Wednesday, May 28, 2014

TRANSFERS! I want to ride my bicycle...04/28/14

HELLO EVERYONE! So, today we had transfers! And I am now in.... SAN LUIS RIO COLORADO, SONORA! A different state in Mexico and IT IS HOT HERE. Not just that, but.... I HAVE A BICYCLE! Well, it's not mine, but I will be using it for the next 6 weeks, so basically it's mine. haha My companion's name is Hermana Reyna and she has only been on her mission for 3 months (she just finished training) so I will be senior companion. This is going to be an interesting transfer.

In other news, I HAVE PICTURES! WOOHOO! Not sure which ones I'm going to send, but we'll see.

Picture 1.) A dog I had to say goodbye to that's basically in love with me. (It was a sad moment.)
Picture 2.) A picture that I drew for Hna. Espinoza last night. (Whenever something happens with the Elders she starts singing "Ye Elders of Israel".
Picture 3.) MY NEW COMPANION! Woohoo!

I'll try to take some pictures of us with the bikes and of my new area! (It's totally flat; NO HILLS! :D And a LOT of sand...) Sorry I don't have more! I hope you enjoy listening to the concert! ;) (If you have time...)

LOVE YOU GUYS! I'll have more to write next week!

♥ Hermana Beaumont

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