I leave for Mexico exactly one month from today... Crazy, huh?!
Things are going well here. We finished with our first "investigator", Lorenzo. But my companion and I were the only ones that didn't get him to be baptized! D: We forgot how to ask the question in Spanish! So we made sure we learned it this time so for our next "investigators", (Pedro, from Guatemala and Jesica, from Buenos Aires, Argentina) we'll be ready. :P
Today was really awesome. Our District Leader (the one that looks like James Franco, picture attached) is a convert to the church. (Also the only member in his family.) He's been a member for just over 17 months. I tell you this, because today we got to go to the temple and do work for his family. He got special permission from the MTC President to do baptisms, and we did quite a few names. The spirit was so strong! Then we went to the main campus of the MTC and took pictures in front of the giant map. It was awesome!
It snowed today. First time since I got here. :)
Spanish is going pretty well, I think. Puedo hablar mucho, si yo trato. :3
Spanish is going pretty well, I think. Puedo hablar mucho, si yo trato. :3
The other Hermanas that my companion and I are living with are awesome. Hermana Lance is an illustration major at BYU and is A M A Z I N G at drawing. Seriously. She's also kind of hilarious. Jussayin'. And her companion Hemana Washburn is super cute and fun to talk to. :)
AMY! You will be happy to know that my companion and I used the cups to teach the restoration to our investigator, Lorenzo. IN SPANISH. He's actually a teacher of a different name, and in his feedback he said that it was a little complicated, but really good. :)
Okay, so I am going to try to describe the pictures I'm attaching, but probably not all of them. Some are self explanatory.
Pic1: My tag! "Dork dot" still attached.Pic2: Rules of SYL (Or HSI: Hablar Su Idioma)
Pic3: Me and my companion, Hermana Price.
Pic4: Elder Graf! James Franco look alike...
I will send more in a separate e-mail because it's not letting me attach more. :P
One other thing... My zone is pretty much OBSESSED with four-square. It's, like, weird. Haha It's pretty funny, actually.
I am having a great time and am doing well, so don't worry. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! I love you all! :)
Here are the other pictures I wanted to attach. Some at the map, some at the temple. Also, one of me at the building where we have class and one of my companion as well. Also, there's one of me with my district. :)
♥ Hermana Beaumont